Abbott Group partners with FANZ for KiwiSaver

The Abbott Group has entered into a Strategic KiwiSaver Partnership with SBS Bank subsidiary Funds Administration New Zealand Limited. With over 2.4m Kiwis now in the government subsidised scheme, Kiwisaver is here to stay.  However we know a lot of people remain unsure of the full features and benefits available, or how to maximise their…

Abbott Group takes part in 2014 Pink Ribbon Breakfast

The Abbott Group will be taking part in the 2014 national Pink Ribbon fundraising breakfast to raise money for the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation. This dreadful disease affects so many people that touch all of our lives – two of our own special ladies in our Abbott Group team have recently battled breast cancer. We…

Abbott Group in growth mode

Canterbury insurance brokerage, Abbott Group, has sold a 25% shareholding to SBS Bank subsidiary Southsure Assurance Limited to fund growth. Abbotts has grown considerably in the past three years and Chairman Graham Heenan says the board is committed to future growth in new markets to complement its Christchurch, Nelson and Wellington operations. “It’s more than…