Trade Payment Guarantee Insurance – what is it?

If you are a sub-contractor working for a main contractor or developer, have you wondered how you would get paid if the main contractor collapses financially? The Mainzeal collapse in 2013 highlighted the dangers that small businesses face when a main contractor gets into financial difficulty as hundreds of sub-contractors were left with significant monies…

Five Minutes With….Sarah Cochrane

In this new feature, an Abbott Group staff member spends five minutes in the hot seat answering the important, and not-so-important questions. This month – Sarah Cochrane, Domestic Consultant at the Abbott Group. What’s your role at the Abbott Group? I’m responsible for the management of our domestic portfolio.  This sees me in close contact…

Christmas Tree Meringues

Make your family smile with these light and delicious meringues. Meringues are easy to make with an electric beater or cake mixer, and everyone likes them. You don’t need to use a piping bag – for the meringues in the photo I used a plastic ziplock bag with one corner snipped off.   Preparation: 15…

Is your business at risk of a costly environmental breach?

Although as New Zealanders we pride ourselves on our ‘clean green’ image, we may not be as squeaky clean as we like to believe. From 2013-2014 there were approximately 1100 hazardous substance incidents reported to the New Zealand Environmental Protection Agency under the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996. These included spills, leakages, and…

The Abbott Group is on the move!

After nearly ten years at our current Christchurch location on the corner of Moorhouse Ave and Montreal St, we are moving. On Friday 20 November we’ll relocate from our current site on Moorhouse Ave, as the space is required to manage growth at Corcoran French.  On the following Monday we’ll open at 93 Garlands Rd…

Introducing a few of our new staff members

With the continued growth in our business, we have been delighted to employ several new staff recently in both Wellington and Christchurch. Jon Saxton Jon came to us in April from NZI Insurance, spending his first 3 months here at the Abbott Group as a claims consultant. Over recent weeks Jon has furthered his training…